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U.S. Department of Health (HHS) Office of Women’s Health

Model Incarcerated and Newly Incarcerated Women HIV/AIDS Support Program
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Women’s Health has awarded POI funds for a three-year model incarceration initiative for women infected with or at high risk for HIV in the Baltimore metropolitan area. POI staff collaborates with the Sacred Zion Church, Inc. and Women Accepting Responsibility (WAR) to extend the survival and improve the quality of life among HIV-infected or high risk women who have been incarcerated in Maryland prisons, jails, or juvenile detention centers. Outreach Workers employed by Sacred Zion Church and WAR initiate outreach and coordination services with incarcerated women prior to their release. Upon release, the Outreach Workers help guide their clients to initiate medical care, HIV therapeutics, case management, and other support services. POI resource development staff are spearheading a regional planning effort to coordinate the activities of agencies working with incarcerated HIV-infected or at-risk populations. A formal network of agencies is forming to eliminate gaps and duplication of services. POI has developed a service directory listing agencies that offer services relevant to newly released HIV-infected women prisoners and parolees, and the agencies that serve them. This initiative is conducted in close collaboration with staff from the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS) Division of Corrections (DOC), DPSCS Division of Parole and Probation and wardens and HIV social workers at Baltimore Pre-Release Unit, Women’s Detention Center, and Maryland Correctional Institution for Women.

Office of Women’s Health website:

Maryland's Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services website:

Maryland's Department Of Correction website:

HIV/AIDS Service Provider Directory: