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Broward Regional Health Planning Council

Title I Ryan White CARE Act Fiscal Impact Assessment
Period of Performance: 12/02 – 05/03
POI assessed the impact of Title I funds on the HIV care system in Broward County Florida by: (1) synthesizing evidence-based studies about the impact of health and social support services on patients to assist allocation decisions, (2) providing benchmark data about the distribution of Title I funds by service categories allocated by other Title I EMAs, (3) assessing the likely impact of the reduction or flattening of funds on the HIV care system, (4) evaluating the impact of changes in HIV funding on the maintenance of effort of the Title I grantee, (5) identifying other resources that might be drawn upon to support HIV care, and (6) determining if greater efficiencies and other systemic changes might be adopted to optimize future HIV funding. POI undertook the following activities to achieve these goals: (1) conduct a literature review regarding the findings of studies designed to measure the impact of health and social support services on persons with HIV infection; (2) created an Excel database to track the trends in allocations by assistance category for all Title I EMAs; (3) used SPSS to analyze trends in allocations by assistance category; (4) created Excel databases to assess the impact on Title I funds on organizations and personnel funded by this mechanism and analyzed the data using SPSS; (5) designed an interview instrument and interview grantee, Planning Council staff, Planning Council members, subgrantees, local policy makers, and agencies receiving funds from other sources; (6) created tabular summaries of the data using Excel and SPSS; (7) used MS Graph Charts and PowerPoint to prepare graphic presentations of the findings; and (8) prepared a report for the client.